Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ronald McDonald Fundraiser

This is the third year that Cottonwood Tucson has set up a table at an annual Ronald McDonald fundraiser.  Restaurants from all over Tucson serve samples to people at an outdoor mall in Tucson. They also have free wine samples and LOTS of silent auction products and services.  I get free admission because we have a table there, but I think it costs $100 a ticket.

This year, Tommy's boss, Richard, did a special ice carving for the table. It is a large block of ice with fresh fish and seaweed frozen into it! And he put lights in it too.  It looked awesome! They served homemade ravioli, fresh-rolled sushi and a delicious crepe.  The event is also a great a marketing tool, but many times people think we are a restaurant rather than a treatment facility. 

 Richard putting on the finishing touches.

 Tommy's carving of a neighborhood pool.  See the diving board?

 Service begins.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I would have been a very impressed passerby!
